Words that start with T!!! There are many commonly used English words starting with letter T. They are “true”, “trick”, “thin”, “too”, “truck”, “trip”, “twelve”, “transform”, “tolerance”, etc. In this post, we show a list of words that start with T in English with example sentences.
Words that Start with T
List of Words that Start with T
- True
- Tyro
- Typing
- Typify
- Typically
- Typical
- Typhoon
- Type
- Twit
- Twist
- Twirl
- Twinkle
- Twice
- Twerp
- Twelve
- Tweet
- Tweak
- Tutelage
- Turtle
- Turn
- Turmoil
- Turbulent
- Turbulence
- Tunnel
- Tumor
- Tumble
- Tuition
- Tube
- Trying
- Truth
- Trusted
- Trust
- Trundle
- Truly
- Truism
- Truculent
- Truck
- Truce
- Troubled
- Trouble
- Tropical
- Trophy
- Troops
- Troop
- Trite
- Trip
- Trimester
- Trim
- Trillion
- Trigger
- Trick
- Tribe
- Triangle
- Trial
- Trend
- Trench
- Tremendous
- Tree
- Treatment
- Treat
- Treasure
- Tray
- Traverse
- Traveling
- Traveler
- Travel
- Trash
- Trap
- Transportation
- Transport
- Transparent
- Transparency
- Transmit
- Transmission
- Transliterate
- Translator
- Translation
- Translate
- Transition
- Transit
- Transform
- Transfer
- Transcript
- Transcribe
- Transcend
- Transaction
- Traitor
- Traipse
- Training
- Trainer
- Train
- Trail
- Tragedy
- Traffic
- Traditional
- Tradition
- Trading
- Traded
- Trade
- Traction
- Track
- Trace
- Toy
- Toxic
- Town
- Tower
- Towel
- Towards
- Toward
- Tournament
- Tourist
- Tourism
- Tour
- Tougher
- Tough
- Touchy
- Touchscreen
- Touche
- Touchdown
- Touch
- Totally
- Total
- Toss
- Tortoise
- Torpedo
- Tornado
- Torch
- Topped
- Topical
- Topic
- Top
- Tooth
- Tool
- Too
- Tonight
- Tongue
- Tone
- Tomorrow
- Tomb
- Tomato
- Toll
- Tolerate
- Tolerance
- Toilet
- Together
- Toe
- Toddler
- Today
- Tobacco
- Toad
- To
- Title
- Tissue
- Tired
- Tire
- Tirade
- Tip
- Tiny
- Tin
- Timorous
- Timing
- Timid
- Time-out
- Timeline
- Time
- Timber
- Tilt
- Tight
- Tiger
- Tie
- Tide
- Tickle
- Ticket
- Thwart
- Thus
- Thunderstorm
- Thunder
- Thumb
- Throw
- Throughout
- Through
- Throat
- Thrive
- Thrifty
- Threshold
- Three
- Threaten
- Threat
- Thread
- Thousand
- Thoughtful
- Thought
- Though
- Those
- Thorough
- Thorn
- This
- Thirsty
- Third
- Think
- Thing
- Thin
- Thigh
- Thief
- Thick
- They
- Thesis
- These
- Thermostat
- Thermometer
- Therefore
- There
- Therapist
- Therapeutic
- Theory
- Then
- Themselves
- Theme
- Them
- Their
- Theft
- Theater
- The
- Thaw
- That
- Thanks
- Thank
- Than
- Texture
- Textbook
- Text
- Testy
- Testimony
- Testify
- Test
- Terse
- Terrorist
- Terrorism
- Terror
- Territory
- Terrify
- Terrible
- Terra-firma
- Terrace
- Termite
- Terminate
- Terminal
- Term
- Tenuous
- Tentative
- Tent
- Tension
- Tensile
- Tense
- Tennis court
- Tendon
- Tending
- Tendency
- Tend
- Tenant
- Tenacious
- Tempt
- Temporary
- Temporarily
- Temple
- Temperature
- Temperamental
- Temper
- Tell
- Television
- Televise
- Telescope
- Telephone
- Telegraph
- Telecom
- Teeter
- Teenager
- Teen
- Technology
- Technique
- Technically
- Technical
- Tech
- Tease
- Tear
- Teammate
- Team
- Teacher
- Teach
- Tea
- Taxi
- Tax
- Tautology
- Taunt
- Tattoo
- Tattle
- Taste
- Task
- Tarnish
- Targeting
- Targeted
- Target
- Tardy
- Tapping
- Tape
- Tap
- Tantamount
- Tank
- Tangible
- Tandem
- Tamper
- Tall
- Talk
- Talisman
- Talent
- Takeoff
- Take
- Tailor
- Tail
- Tactless
- Tactile
- Tactful
- Tact
- Tacky
- Tackle
- Taciturn
- Taboo
- Tablet
- Table
- Tab
Examples of Words that Start with T
- I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
- What separates the professional from the tyro is knowing when to apply the power of scripting and when to eschew it.
- This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.
- He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works.
- The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team’s successes, giving credit to the other players.
- The typical family structure of Freud’s patients involved two parents and two children.
- She could not believe that the typhoon winds of change could alter our family.
- We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work.
- My own professional credibility would be lost in an instant if I proposed a boring twit.
- It seemed a cruel twist of fate that the composer should have died so young.
- A spectrum program that lets users twirl a frequency knob to see what happens?
- It was around this time that the twinkle in the planner’s eye was transformed into a 20-story tower-block.
Words that Start with T Infographic
Popular Words that Start with T in English
List of Powerful Words that Start with T
Common Words that Start with T
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Last Updated on April 25, 2023
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