Words that start with O!!! There are many words beginning with letter O in English. Below is a useful list of power English words that start with O. You’ll also find example sentences to help show context for each word.
Words that Start with O
Words that Start with O List
- Oyster
- Oxymoron
- Oxygen
- Owning
- Ownership
- Owner
- Owned
- Ovulate
- Overwrought
- Overwhelm
- Overweight
- Overview
- Overturn
- Overtime
- Overthrow
- Overt
- Oversight
- Oversee
- Overseas
- Overrun
- Override
- Overreact
- Overnight
- Overly
- Overlay
- Overlap
- Overheard
- Overhead
- Overhaul
- Overcome
- Overcoat
- Overall
- Over
- Oven
- Ovation
- Ovary
- Outwit
- Outweigh
- Outstanding
- Outspoken
- Outsource
- Outskirts
- Outsider
- Outside
- Outright
- Outreach
- Outraged
- Outrage
- Output
- Outpost
- Outperform
- Outpace
- Outnumber
- Outlook
- Outlining
- Outlined
- Outline
- Outlier
- Outlet
- Outlaw
- Outlast
- Outlandish
- Outgoing
- Outfitted
- Outfit
- Outer
- Outdoor
- Outdated
- Outcry
- Outcome
- Outbreak
- Outage
- Ouster
- Oust
- Ourselves
- Ought
- Otherwise
- Others
- Other
- Ostrich
- Oscillate
- Orphan
- Ornament
- Originate
- Originally
- Original
- Origin
- Orientation
- Organizer
- Organize
- Organization
- Organism
- Organic
- Organ
- Ordinary
- Ordering
- Ordered
- Order
- Ordeal
- Orchid
- Orchard
- Orbiting
- Orbital
- Orbit
- Oratory
- Oration
- Orange
- Oral
- Opulent
- Optional
- Option
- Optimize
- Optimization
- Optimistic
- Optimism
- Optimal
- Optical
- Optic
- Oppressive
- Oppress
- Opposition
- Opposite
- Oppose
- Opportunity
- Opportune
- Opponent
- Opossum
- Opinion
- Opine
- Operator
- Operational
- Operation
- Operate
- Openness
- Openly
- Opening
- Opened
- Open
- Ooze
- Oodles
- Onus
- Onto
- Onslaught
- Onset
- Onscreen
- Only
- Online
- Onion
- Ongoing
- Onerous
- Once
- Onboard
- Omniscient
- Omnipresent
- Omnipotent
- Omit
- Ominous
- Omen
- Olive
- Oldest
- Older
- Okay
- Oil
- Often
- Offspring
- Offshore
- Offset
- Offline
- Officious
- Officiate
- Officials
- Officially
- Official
- Officer
- Office
- Offer
- Offensive
- Offense
- Offender
- Offend
- Odor
- Odometer
- Odium
- Odious
- Odds
- Octopus
- Ocean
- Occurrence
- Occur
- Occupy
- Occupational
- Occupation
- Occasionally
- Occasional
- Occasion
- Obviously
- Obvious
- Obviate
- Obtuse
- Obtrude
- Obtain
- Obstruct
- Obstreperous
- Obstinate
- Obstacle
- Obsolete
- Obsess
- Observer
- Observe
- Observation
- Obsequious
- Obscure
- Obnoxious
- Obloquy
- Oblivious
- Obliterate
- Oblige
- Obligation
- Obligate
- Objective
- Objected
- Object
- Obituary
- Obfuscate
- Obey
- Obeisance
- Obdurate
- Oasis
- Oaf
- October
Words that Start with O Examples
- An oyster that has grown large enough to breed is a great success, in oyster terms.
- Thursday evening, the work prompted an instant trip to the depths of an oxymoron.
- Ozone is produced by the reaction between oxygen and ultra-violet light.
- Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25% of any U.S. airline.
- A brand was a mark of ownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.
- The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.
- Only when the means of production were communally owned would classes disappear.
- Some women ovulate irregularly because their pituitary glands secrete too much prolactin.
- He thought she was overwrought and the best way of dealing with that was a good night’s sleep.
- In an argument, he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.
- I’m a bit overweight. It can also mean too fat, especially so that you are not fit.
- I’ll give you a brief overview of what the job involves.
- They are part of a campaign to overturn the county’s decision to spray on private property if needed.
- I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation.
- The government seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation.
- What I tried to do was obliterate this life and replace it with another, a more perfect one.
- Mr. Oakley always has been ready to oblige journalists with information.
- We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else.
- The parents of a proband are obligate heterozygotes and therefore carry one mutant allele.
- The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labor market processes.
- You know I have no intention of being awkward and obstreperous.
Words that Start with O Infographic
Words that Start with O in English
Popular Words that Start with O
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Last Updated on April 25, 2023