What is another word for “congratulations”. Below are some congratulations synonyms you should learn to use in your daily English.
Congratulations Synonyms
Other Ways to Say “Congratulations”
Here are different ways of saying congratulations:
- Good job!
- You did it!
- That’s the way!
- You rock!
- Good for you!
- That’s good.
- That’s great.
- Sensational!
- I knew you could do it.
- You did it that time!
- Keep up the good work.
- That’s clever!
- Way to go.
- Outstanding!
- Greetings
- Felicitation
- Tremendous
- Fantastic
- Nice going.
- That’s better than ever.
- That’s the first classwork.
- I’m impressed.
- Nothing can stop you now.
- Nice one!
- Good one!
- Kudos!
- Respect!
- Congrats!
- You rule!
- I’m really pleased for you.
- Good work!
- Excellent job!
- Impressive
- Congo
- Hat’s off.
- What a good try!
- That is better than ever.
- Good going.
- Good show.
- Keep working you’re getting better.
- That’s the right way to do it.
- That’s the best you’ve ever done.
- You really deserved it.
- Cheers
- Pat on the back.
- You’re the best.
- Good one mate!
- You’ve got it.
- Many happy returns
- Well done!
Congratulations Synonyms Examples
- You did it! Congratulations!
- Good for you! Let’s have a New Year’s toast Bottoms up.
- Nice work, Matthew. I knew you could do it.
- You’re all doing a splendid job, keep up the good work!
- Good work, guys! Way to go!
- Yes, Mr. Karpov. – Good. That’s good.
- That’s great. That will be a good contribution to world space development.
- You’ve got the job? Fantastic!
- Nice going! However, you should strike while the iron is hot.
- “That’s a good one!” she said, laughing loudly.
- Here’s to your health. Cheers!
- “Many happy returns!” Emily said to me at my birthday party.
- Thanks for sharing them with us, you are the best.
- You’ve certainly made an excellent job in the kitchen.
- You’ve got the job? Nice one!
- Hooray! You did it. That’s my boy. You’ll be a trumpet player when you get older.
- Kudos to you; you richly deserve the recognition.
- Way to go! High five!
- “Many happy returns, dear, ” Professor Boffin said.
- You did it well, Holly, bloody well.
- They’ve won a holiday? How fantastic!
- Well done! Keep up the good work!
Ways to Say Congratulations | Infographic
Ways of Saying Congratulations
Last Updated on August 3, 2023