Adjectives that start with J!!! Here is a list of 100 adjectives that start with J. This list is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English.
Adjectives that Start with J
What Are Adjectives that Start with J?
Like tone words, adjectives are descriptive words. This basically means that they help describe a noun’s qualities or state of being.
- We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.
- Christmas is a joyful occasion for children.
- Her eyes were red and watery from crying.
- He’s only talking to her to make you jealous.
100 Adjectives Starting with J
Here is the list of adjectives that start with J in English.
- Jiggish
- Juristic
- Jangling
- Judaical
- Jaded
- Jejune
- Jolty
- Justifiable
- Jihadi
- Juridical
- Jagged
- Jocund
- Juiceless
- Jam-packed
- Jawless
- Judgmental
- Jerking
- Jowly
- Jarring
- Jordanian
- Jutting
- Jilted
- Jaunty
- Joyless
- Jazzy
- Juridic
- Jealous
- Judicable
- Jittery
- Journalistic
- Jural
- Jingoistic
- Jobless
- Jewish
- Judicial
- Javanese
- Joint
- Jellylike
- Julian
- Jolly
- Jerkwater
- Jacksonian
- Jovial
- Junliant
- Jeering
- Joyful
- Jerky
- Judaic
- Joyous
- Jinxed
- Jubilant
- Joking
- Jurassic
- Jetting
- Judicious
- Jovian
- Jacobean
- Juicy
- Jumbled
- Jocose
- Jumbo
- Jesting
- Jumpy
- Jocular
- Jungian
- Jolted
- Junior
- Jeweled
- Jumentous
- Jungly
- Jamaican
- Jugular
- Jolting
- Juvenile
- Japanese
- Junoesque
- Joined
- Juxtaposed
- Jadish
- Jellied
- Just
- Jaggy
- Jesuit
- Justified
- Joysome
- Jain
- Jester
- Jesuitic
- Jake
- Jessant
- Jainist
- Jesuitical
- Jigjog
- Jamesian
- Jestful
- Jobbing
- Jet
- Jammed
- Jokey
- Jeez
Examples of Adjectives that Start with J
- Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents.
- Behind that quietness his nerves are jangling, he’s in a terrible state.
- I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend.
- We were surprised by their jejune responses to our problems.
- Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances?
- It is one of a number of jihadi groups to have appeared.
- The considerations here are not so much juridical as ethical.
- The missile had torn a jagged hole in the side of the ship.
- A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company.
- Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he’s going to fire any juiceless player.
- Gloria’s closet is jam-packed with designer clothes.
- He walked past her, giving her a judgmental frown.
- Look, the old man’s limbs are jerking.
- His face was big and jowly and squared off.
- There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.
- The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute.
- He was a small man with a puffed chest and a jutting chin.
- She has been jilted and I am trying to console her.
- You have to be both a jaunty cheerleader and a lithe psychiatrist.
- Why does the person feel joyless sometimes?
- She employs a jobbing gardener to keep the garden tidy.
- A jet plane sheared the blue sky.
- The enemy’s radio was jammed during the war.
- Dave was a sweet man, very jokey about everything.
- They ripped open the jugular vein, releasing an appalling rush of blood.
- Our journey away was nasty, jolting, and at times even violent.
- The increase in juvenile crime is a blot on our time.
- She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.
- Her thoughts were all jumbled together.
- Dr. Daniel was a gleg man of a jocose nature.
- The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.
- Do not mind, he is jesting.
- She described Mr. Hutchinson as nervous and jumpy after his wife’s disappearance.
- Liverpool was in a jubilant mood after their cup victory.
Adjectives that Start with J Infographic
List of 100 Adjectives that Start with J
List of Adjectives that Start with J
Positive Adjectives that Start with J
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Jolly
- Jubilant
- Judicious
- Just
- Jaunty
- Jazzy
- Jocular
- Juicy
- Joyous
- Jittery
- Jauntily
- Jumpy
- Jovially
- Joyously
- Jocose
- Joinable
- Jazzylicious
Adjectives that Start with J to Describe a Person
- Jolly
- Joyful
- Jovial
- Judicious
- Jittery
- Jazzy
- Jaunty
- Jaded
- Just
- Jumpy
- Jocular
- Jubilant
- Junior
- Jolly-good
- Jumpy
- Jovial
- Jocose
- Jumpy
- Jocund
- Jovian
Negative Adjectives that Start with J
- Jealous
- Jaded
- Judgmental
- Joyless
- Jittery
- Jerky
- Jarring
- Joyless
- Jinxed
- Jaded
- Joyless
- Jilted
- Joyless
- Jumpy
- Jaundiced
- Jumbled
- Joyless
- Jobless
- Jaded
- Jinxing
Nice Adjectives that Start with J
- Joyful
- Jovial
- Jolly
- Jaunty
- Judicious
- Jazzy
- Juicy
- Jubilant
- Just
- Jade
- Jumpy
- Joyous
- Jocund
- Jocular
- Jazzed
- Jazzy
- Jesting
- Joint
- Jittery
- Jaded
- Joyless
- Jinxed
- Jovian
- Jingoistic
- Judicial
- Jitterbug
- Jocose
Cool Adjectives that Start with J
- Jazzy
- Jubilant
- Jocular
- Jittery
- Joyful
- Jovial
- Juicy
- Justified
- Jaded
- Jaunty
- Jumpy
- Jarring
- Jovian
- Jaded
- Jinxed
- Judicious
- Jumpy
- Jocund
- Jazzy
- Jolting
- Jagged
- Jet-setting
- Jocose
- Jumbled
- Jumpy
Military Adjectives that Start with J
- Jingoistic
- Jocular
- Joint
- Jovial
- Jarring
- Judgmental
- Jaded
- Jittery
- Jumpy
- Jeopardized
- Justified
- Jaundiced
- Jittery
- Jocose
- Jolting
- Jingo
- Jocular
- Jovial
- Judicious
Frequently Asked Questions on J Adjectives
What are some adjectives that start with J?
There are some adjectives that start with J. They include joyful, jubilant, jittery, jaded, jazzy, jaunty, jealous, jocular, and jovial.
What are some adjectives that start with J to describe a person positively?
Some positive adjectives that start with J to describe a person are joyful, jubilant, just, jolly, jaunty, judicious, and jovial.
All Adjectives A-Z List
- Adjectives that start with A
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- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
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- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
Last Updated on April 17, 2023